Tweet Archive for March 2017 « page 17
RT @Blackett_kt: Looking forward to listening and learning at today’s event celebrating the future of storytelling #AdFest100…
RT @PilarCastroGlez: Talking about the future of #storytelling with professor Zayer @dr_tea. @LoyolaQuinlan and @LoyolaAnd @LoyolaLS intera…
RT @oramaconf: ORAMA #immersive #journalism conference is launching on the 31st of March, exploring the future of storytelling. https://t.…
RT @Maui_Derm: Teen tanning bed usage is down 8% overall; 20% among non-hispanic teenaged girls. @JAMADerm #dermato…
RT @Theralight: There is no question about the effect this machine will have for your #skincare business! #dermatology gone right! https://…
RT @ehlJAMA: Sun Protection by Beach Umbrella Is Not enough- Need vs High SPF #Sunscreen @JAMADerm #dermatology #s…
RT @AAdamsonMD: You guys are doing great work across the pond. We need to catch up here in the USA. #dermatology
An #NHS success: Independent research. No drug company funding. More than 1/3 UK dermatology depts involved |#ourNHS
— Dermatology Nottm (@CebdNottm) March 8, 2017
RT @UK_DCTN: We are always looking for new research ideas #skinresearch…
RT @Adcheck1971: Data should be the starting point not the final ‘insight’ being used!!
#morethandata #inspired #personalityaboveinformatio…
RT @hpsoyer: And now Andre Esteva on #AI in #Dermatology — first author of a recent #Nature paper on AI in Dermatology…