Tweet Archive for January 2017 « page 24
Laser and light-based treatments of venous lakes: a literature review #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @imcasacademy: Join us January 11 for the webinar on #Lasers& #EBD for the neck & submental area #Dermatology #PlasticSurgery #skin http…
RT @JAMGlobalConsul: Here’s what really works #Exercise A #HealthyDiet & see a #BCPS #SayNo to #Fads & #Yes to #EvidenceNotOpinion #Plastic…
RT @ENTmimi: Well done to @OlivierBranford and colleagues for the #PlasticSurgery. Other specialties ought to take note:benefits of #Eviden…
RT @drroykim: People who take selfies regularly ‘overestimate how attractive they are’ – study
RT @Coco_Dechelette: La #peau artificielle intelligente contient des nanofils d’or et de silicium formant un réseau de capteurs recréant la…
RT @DrEsteeWilliams: @ducrest great point. Always important to stay away from vital vessels even if using a cannula.
7 biggest problems facing science @voxdotcom… 4/ Peer review is broken 6/Science is poorly c…
12-Month Randomized Comparison of 2HA #dermalfillers: Effectiveness & Safety for severe NFls #dermatology @Dr_Ascher