Tweet Archive for September 2016
@healthhashtags @abbvie @StartsWithSkin @Florez_vanessa @eadv @EMJStaceyRivers @symplur keep on pushing #dermatology #dermatologia
RT @healthhashtags: Top Influencers of #eadv2016: @abbvie @startswithskin @florez_vanessa @eadv @ducrest @emjstaceyrivers More : https://t…
RT @BotSpringerLink: #ff some of our top tweeters this week @DrKristinaDare @cpelletiere @ducrest @sunrisemedtrans @PanGMuN @RutNp @MrUrsoB…
RT @DermaCompare: .@ducrest: 1 tanning season can increase the risk of #skincaner. Check out our app it helps detect the disease: https://t…
RT @RosalindFSG: Prognostic #biomarker value of binary & grayscale breast tumor histopathology images – new from @fsgbmm #oncology https://…
#sunbeds and #skincancer I will share next week some more data. Here are basics from @CR_UK……
Here a strong #EADVvie @eadv statement about #sunbeds. #skincancer is an epidemic so get rid of this .…
RT @JAyusoMolina: Let’s gonna be social and join the conversation: #EADVvie / #EADV2016 / @eadv @PsoriasisEnRed…
RT @eadv: So great to see your photos and videos on Instagram. Already 122 posts with #eadvvie! See them all:… https…