Tweet Archive for July 2016 « page 28
RT @DrNickLoweSkin: Putting the finishing touches to my lecture on facial rejuvenation for the BAD annual meeting tomorrow. #BAD2016 @Healt…
Prevention of #skincancer #melanoma is a total failure! This is why #facebook is interesting… @Forbes @facebook #AI
@CebdNottm I fully agree. I guess the 1st one to check is #MyUvPatch. Will be sharing here info when available. #skinhealth #quantifiedskin
UV sensor will help prevent skin cancer!MB.EBU1D via @NewsRepublic #wearabletech #skincancer
Drinkable #sunscreen offers a new form of skin protection!MB.EB36w #nodatanotrust. Skeptical but interesting article
RT @AdvancingDerm: Thx on the excellent site! Also #FDA tools validating #aesthetics outcome measures are here:… htt…