Tweet Archive for May 2016 « page 15
RT @up4ant1: @OlivierBranford @DJLStudios @DrRodRohrich @ASPS_News @prsjournal great insight in2how hard u guys work to bring us quality #p…
RT @OlivierBranford: These 2 gentlemen do so much to bring quality #PlasticSurgery evidence to the public: Aaron Weinstein & @DJLStudios ht…
@CebdNottm @CebmOxford @OlivierBranford @Ezzoef @cochranecollab Olivier will you mind checking this during yr Dallas meeting
RT @DrSusanneFarwer: Brilliant talk by Alison Layton about the evidence or lack of it for treating acne scarring #cosmeticdermEBU #EBM htt…
RT @DermResearchTX: Identifying cancer can save lives. Contact your doctor if you notice skin irregularities. #MelanomaAwarenessMonth https…
RT @Winette_vdGraaf: Genetic testing without the availibility of prescribing the targeted drug is irrelevant; room for improvement …
@JAMADerm 2015 in Review. #dermatology #hcsm JAMA Dermatology—The Year in Review, 2015 — JAMA Dermatology (@JAMADerm) May 13, 2016
@CebdNottm @CebmOxford @OlivierBranford @Ezzoef @cochranecollab which one should we use?
@OlivierBranford @CebdNottm @BBethJo @prsjournal @DrRodRohrich I am with you to “push #evidence to patient”. This is #SuperiorCoExperience
RT @ClevelandClinic: No matter what color your skin is, if you’re exposed to the sun, there’s a possibility you can get #skincancer.