Tweet Archive for April 2016 « page 19
RT @imcasacademy: Did you know it’s only possible to see 15% of the #imcas2016 content? Catch up on missed sessions with #IMCASAcademy http…
RT @OlivierBranford: To all non-evidence-based doctors: There is great new treatment called “Placebo”, best combined with “Hype” and given…
RT @CochraneLibrary: No #CochraneEvidence to confirm short-term benefits of interventions for #acnescars translate to long-term effects: ht…
RT @wellcometrust: What do the UK public really think about science? #WTMonitor
Skin: the next step in #wearabletech. Fascinating #skin #quantifiedskin #skinscience
Skin: the next step in #wearabletech #haptics #wearables
— BrainXchange (@BrainXchange1) April 14, 2016
e-skin #wearabletech #quantifiedskin #skin
This 'e-skin' could be the smartwatch of the future #WearableTech
— AHTShef (@AHTShef) April 16, 2016
RT @aestheticsgroup: Not long to go until @Anna32Baker @RajAcquilla @drtapanp and @DrStefanieW take to the stage for the Forehead, Temple &…
RT @RajAcquilla: LIVE in #London today 🇬🇧💉🎥 #ACE2016 @aestheticsgroup @drtapanp @pdsurgery 🌟
RT @UlianaGout: Great day- good to catch up with colleagues and learn from one another #ACE2016 @aestheticsgroup
The take-home message from @UlianaGout is that combination treatments are needed to treat the face and neck #ACE2016
— Aesthetics (@aestheticsgroup) April 15, 2016
RT @OlivierBranford: Just in case you were wondering: Level VI is not evidence to support a treatment