Tweet Archive for January 2016 « page 3
Bring evidence to patient! Open access Journals such @prsjournal global open improve global patient care for all!
Why are open access Journals like @prsjournal global open so important ? They improve global patient care for all!
— Rod Rohrich, M.D. (@DrRodRohrich) January 29, 2016
RT @DrRodRohrich: Amazing European meeting of @prsjournal-global open editorial board #Paris#plasticsurgery -safety /outcomes matter https:…
RT @drheatherfurnas: Great article @kapeiffer @InStyle! #plasticsurgery
6 Ways to Treat 'Tech Neck' #Wrinkles via @InStyle #skincare
— Smart Beauty Guide (@SmartBeautyNews) January 28, 2016
#connectedbeauty #imcas2016 speakers @florencetrouche JH Kim @parhamaarabi @GuiveCBI_LOreal Thk U. Thk U too @PascalCubb @maximeguirauton
#connectedbeauty #digitalbeauty by Facebook at #imcas2016 #beauty is the 4th topic on Instagram @imcascongress
Speaking about Connected Beauty @imcascongress @florencetrouche @ducrest #beauty #healtcare @france_ea #cosmetics
— PascalCübb (@PascalCubb) January 29, 2016
@SujataJolly @japantimes Kanebo’s #skinwhitening leukodema scandal @saftyandbeauty #4HPB mentionned at #IMCAS2016
RT @SanaSid23: Interesting point by @WENDYLEWISCO at #IMCAS2016 : LinkedIn is not a place for Drs to seek patients. Look to FB & Instagram …
Researchers provide clinical evidence of collagen peptides as anti-ageing nutricosmetic… #nutraceuticals
Long-chain polynucleotide filler for skin rejuvenation: efficacy & complications in five patients.… #dermalfillers