Tweet Archive for December 2015 « page 11
RT @RizwanUSheikh: @DrAnneDancey @OlivierBranford @ducrest @Allure_magazine @gmcuk If it goes wrong, thou shall be judged by high standards…
RT @LeahFHardy: @OlivierBranford @ducrest yes scar very obvious on right breast & seems retouched out on left?
RT @OlivierBranford: @ducrest @Allure_magazine Interesting – dermatology doctor performing liposuction & breast surgery. Check your special…
RT @OlivierBranford: Hmm ‘nonsurgical’ photos: show very badly placed breast implant scars. What does no anaesthesia mean besides pain? htt…
@OlivierBranford what is your advise? Here’s What U Need to Know abt Those “Nonsurgical” Boob Jobs @Allure_magazine…
CT in progress: Microneedle Lesion Preparation Prior to ALA-PDT for AK on Face… #dermatology
Aesthetics powerhouse Allergan merges with R&D-rich Pfizer …… @Allergan #aestheticmedicine #plasticsurgery
What Happens in 60 Seconds on Internet… my intro 4 #connectedbeauty… @imcascongress #IMCAS2016
Psychological problems impact skin disease via @DermTimesNow… #dermatology #skin
Skin may provide first clues to systemic illness via @DermTimesNow… #dermatology #skin