Tweet Archive for November 2015 « page 3
Anti-aging medicine: science or marketing ? still on long way to go! #EvidenceNotMarketing #LoEvidence
The use of deoxycholic acid (ATX-101) in aesthetic medicine: A promising treatment #Kybella
Towards a Biopolitics of Beauty: Eugenics, Aesthetic Hierarchies and Plastic Surgery in Brazil… #plasticsurgery
@OlivierBranford Do you have any opinion on Peer Review video? How to make it credible? #peerreview
RT @Scotsmanmatt: Phycisist Neil Turrock on String Hypothesis and Scientific Peer Review: via @YouTube
RT @OlivierBranford: @ducrest @anneklassen @andrea_pusic @DrStefanCano Well received thanks! There is genuine excitement at future of quali…
RT @anneklassen: #FACEQ was field tested in derm + plastics surg/nonsurg patients @ducrest @OlivierBranford @andrea_pusic @DrStefanCano
@OlivierBranford @anneklassen @andrea_pusic @DrStefanCano Looking forward to hear. Beyond #plasticsugery similar need4 #aestheticdermatology
RT @aesthetika: AESTHETIKA don’t do #BlackFriday deals on prescription drugs such as #Botox or #cosmeticsurgery
@OlivierBranford how was your presentation on PROMs #BREAST-Q earlier this week? @anneklassen @andrea_pusic @DrStefanCano