Tweet Archive for September 2015 « page 10
RT @DrAnjaliMahto: .@GetTheGloss I am concerned this article overplays the side effects and advice should be sought from a dermatologist re…
RT @DrAnjaliMahto: @ducrest @GetTheGloss It may help to actually ask a #dermatologist that is legally allowed to prescribe this drug in the…
Our Skin’s Microbiome Has A Thing Against Infectious Bacteria!MB.C3phR #skinscience #microbiome
Skin microbes could fight common STDs!MB.C30Rp #microbiome #skinscience
Very good comment about Roaccutane for #acne #dermatology @GetTheGloss
Personally find this an unbalanced viewpoint on a drug that is safe in experienced hands #dermatology #skin
— Dr Anjali Mahto (@DrAnjaliMahto) September 20, 2015
RT @OlivierBranford: Interested in #plasticsurgery? I suggest following @DrRodRohrich @prsjournal @ASPS_News @danielzliu @drheatherfurnas h…
What Are the Most Unnecessary and Overused Procedures in #Dermatology? by @AADskin…
RT @OlivierBranford: This is a great list of five facts you need to know when considering dermal fillers. (via @ASPS_News)…
I hope that perfect breast is more than ratio! #BeautyIsPlural #plasticsurgery
@DrMJMurdoch @PatrickMallucci @prsjournal Thanks to @ASPS_News for their article
— Olivier Branford (@OlivierBranford) September 17, 2015
Chanel awards grants for #skin research projects on skin ageing and protection… #skinresearch #skinaging