Tweet Archive for August 2015 « page 13
RT @DrSonam: 10 ways to build your skin barrier & prevent damage. #healthy #skin… #dermatology #beauty – via @drsambu…
RT @JAADCaseReports: RT @AADskin: Are you using a #sunscreen that prevents early #skin aging and reduces your risk of #skincancer? http://t…
RT @rtravers: Here’s how ineffective sunscreens stay on the market: Issue highlights concerns re: EWG sunscreen eval…
RT @PlastReconSurg: @OlivierBranford thanks for the support. Looking forward to your arrival @royalmarsden.
Dermatologist develops drinkable sun protection. I’m stunned by such absence of evidence #EvidenceNotMarketing…
Key Pathway For Hair Follicles And Skin Regeneration Could Be A Game Changer for Burn Victims #skinscience…
#EvidenceNotOpinion #EvidenceNotMarketing typical example
Skin-whitening creams reveal dark side of beauty feat. @BavDerm #skinlightening #skinwhitening #skin
— BSF charity (@BSFcharity) August 6, 2015