Tweet Archive for March 2015 « page 2
RT @OlivierBranford: Just reached 13,000 followers! Thank you all for helping to spread a voice pushing for quality #plasticsurgery http://…
@KateWhitling Paramount is most probably a mix between technology (even if patient based) and a physician active role #mHealth
RT @olivieraumaitre: PIP Case – Embarrassing emails for TÜV: when a manager of TUV France, in panic, said “I”m Dead” Var Matin 26/03/2015 h…
RT @olivieraumaitre: PIP Case – translated version of Var Matin 27/03/2015 “Embarrassing emails for TÜV” #PIP
@L_Vasquez_MD indeed interesting. Revance is doing a lot for RT001 but no news yet for the launch. Seems that FDA is asking for more data
RT @aesthetika: @ducrest @BrJDermatol
we believe that self administration may go largely under reported
@DrAnjaliMahto thank you. Indeed interesting but Can’t attend
@L_Vasquez_MD what is botu vip
RT @L_Vasquez_MD: @ducrest @BrJDermatol once a french customer requested to purchase a vial of HA (she claimed she did before) for self inj…
#thisisinsane Self-injection of dermal filler: an underdiagnosed entity?… via @BrJDermatol #dermalfillers