Tweet Archive for August 2011
At #5CCcongress #P&G shows interesting 8 years observational data: no evidence of #malignant change in #laser treated areas
At #5CCcongress great #homeuse devices symposium reviewing #regulatory (US, EU, Japan) #clinical and #safety
At #5CCcongress interesting data for #homeuse #skinrejuvenation devices: #Palomar (#PaloVia) as well #Solta #Philips (ReAura)
At #5CCcongress: guidelines on safety of #light-based #homeuse hair removal devices soon to be published by #ESLD
RT@realself: % of women in their 20s looking for #plasticsurgery? Very surprising results, what’s behind it?
RT “@PrimeJournal: BBC News – Coral could hold key to sunscreen pill”
Mais aussi #lofficiel #chirurgieesthetique avec très bonne analyse “surtout que cela ne se voie pas” par Laurence #beurdeley
Numéro de #PerfectBeauty est disponible dans les kiosques. Clairement pour les consommateurs a le mérite bien expliquer les prodédures
#aestheticmedicine: art and techniques. New #springer book well documented…
#PRS 5-Year Follow-Up Study:Psychosocial Changes post #CosmeticSurgery.Long term data this is what needs the specialty…